Images from the 44th Annual Santa Fe Trail Rodeo held in Burlingame, Kansas the 16th and 17th of May 2014.
These images may be viewed individually or as a slide show. We apologize for the rather low quality of many of the images. We underestimated the amount of light that was available, and it was impossible to shoot at high enough shutter speeds to freeze action and thus eliminate blur. Thus, the images posted here have been reduced to a resolution for web use. They will look much better on a computer screen than as a print.
Those involved with the rodeo in any way may download any of the images they desire for personal use. There is no charge for the downloads, and they should look OK on sites like facebook. HOWEVER, THE IMAGES MAY NOT BE SOLD OR USED IN ANY TYPE OF PUBLICATION FOR PROFIT WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM KANSAS HERITAGE PHOTOGRAPHY.
Those wishing to download images from this site need to send an email to KANSAS HERITAGE PHOTOGRAPHY at [email protected] with their request. The request must include the person(s) name(s) that will be using the images and how they will be used. Instructions on how to download the images without the watermark will be supplied by return email within 24 hours.