Created 10-Aug-15
0 photos

This Gallery is of images from the Vintage Invasion car/truck/etc show in McClouth, Kansas taken on Saturday, 8 August 2015. All images are as they came from the camera. They are provided at high resolution (EXCEPT THE COVER PHOTO) which will allow them to easily be used to make prints up to 16x24 in size or they can be reduced in size for use on Facebook or other websites.

Images may be used at websites or on Facebook free of charge by copying the URL to an individual image and posting that URL to the site. Images MAY NOT be downloaded or used on sites in any other way without first purchasing that image.

These images (large files) may be purchased for $3.00 per image and downloaded to personal computers. The KANSAS HERITAGE PHOTOGRAPHY watermark will not show up on purchased images. Once downloaded images may be cropped and otherwise modified as desired for personal use on websites or to have prints made for personal use.



Use the promotional code
Vintage2015 when your purchase a minimum of 25 digital downloads from this gallery to save $25.00 on your purchase. This is a limited offer and will expire on 31 August 2015.

Get together with your friends and place only one order if you do not desire to purchase 25 or more downloads yourself. The code may be used as many times as desired before the expiration date.


Contact Larry L. Miller at [email protected] with questions or if you have problems using this secure website.


NOTE: Sorry about the misspelling of vintage (sp ventage in the file name) of the images. That may of course be changed if images are purchased. This old man's fingers do not always type what his old mind is thinking!!!
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